1. While being logged in as techops run the following:

    $ sudo -i -u postgres $ psql

  2. Then run the following to support our web-applications database.

    sql drop database nwapp_golang_db; create database nwapp_golang_db; \c nwapp_golang_db; CREATE USER nwatchcanada WITH PASSWORD '123password'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE nwapp_golang_db to nwatchcanada; ALTER USER nwatchcanada CREATEDB; ALTER ROLE nwatchcanada SUPERUSER; CREATE EXTENSION postgis;

  3. And re-run to support our database used for unit testing.

    sql drop database nwapp_golang_test_db; create database nwapp_golang_test_db; \c nwapp_golang_test_db; CREATE USER nwatchcanada WITH PASSWORD '123password'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE nwapp_golang_test_db to nwatchcanada; ALTER USER nwatchcanada CREATEDB; ALTER ROLE nwatchcanada SUPERUSER; CREATE EXTENSION postgis;

Setup Web-App from GitHub

  1. Please run the following commands as the nwatchcanada user account.

    su - nwatchcanada

  2. Get the project.

    $ mkdir /opt/nwatchcanada/go/src/github.com/ $ cd /opt/nwatchcanada/go/src/github.com/ $ go get github.com/nwatchcanada/nwapp-back

  3. Install the dependencies.

    $ cd /opt/nwatchcanada/go/src/github.com/nwatchcanada/nwapp-back; $ ./requirements.sh;

  4. Build our project.

$ go install github.com/nwatchcanada/nwapp-back

  1. Populate our environment variables in our system.



    export NWAPP_DB_HOST="localhost" export NWAPP_DB_PORT="5432" export NWAPP_DB_USER="nwatchcanada" export NWAPP_DB_PASSWORD="123password" export NWAPP_DB_NAME="nwapp_golang_db" export NWAPP_APP_ADDRESS="" ```

  2. The next step involves you leaving the nwatchcanada user and stay as techops user.

    exit su - techops

  3. Enable permission and security while you are a techops user.

    $ sudo setcap 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' /opt/nwatchcanada/go/bin/nwapp-back $ sudo setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1 $ sudo semanage permissive -a httpd_t //$ sudo chcon -Rt httpd_sys_content_t /opt/golang/workery-golang/workery/static (DEPRECATED)

Integrate Nginx with Golang

Please run the following commands as the techops user account.

  1. Load up Nginx.

$ sudo vi /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

  1. Replace with the following code.

    ``` server { listen 80; server_name nwapp.ws;

    charset utf-8;
    location / {
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP       $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header Host            $http_host;

    } ```

  2. Restart Nginx.

    sudo systemctl restart nginx

  3. Run your go app manually.


    sudo su - nwatchcanada



  4. Now in your browser go to http://nwapp.ws and you should see the app!

  5. Special thanks to:

  6. https://beego.me/docs/deploy/nginx.md

Integrate Systemd with Golang

This section explains how to integrate our project with systemd so our operating system will handle stopping, restarting or starting.

  1. (OPTIONAL) If you cannot access the server, please stop and review the steps above. If everything is working proceed forward.

  2. While you are logged in as a techops user, please write the following into the console.

    $ sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/nwapp-back.service

  3. Copy and paste the following. Please change the variables to meet your own. Please do not change the IP127.0.0.1:8080. Note: Nginx will be communicating with the golang app through this IP.

    ``` Description=Neighbourhood Watch App Backend Wants=network.target After=network.target

    [Service] Environment=NWAPP_DB_HOST=localhost Environment=NWAPP_DB_PORT=5432 Environment=NWAPP_DB_USER=nwatchcanada Environment=NWAPP_DB_PASSWORD=123password Environment=NWAPP_DB_NAME=nwapp_golang_db Environment=NWAPP_APP_ADDRESS= Type=simple DynamicUser=yes WorkingDirectory=/opt/nwatchcanada/go/bin ExecStartPre=NWAPP_DB_HOST ExecStartPre=NWAPP_DB_PORT ExecStartPre=NWAPP_DB_USER ExecStartPre=NWAPP_DB_PASSWORD ExecStartPre=NWAPP_DB_NAME ExecStartPre=NWAPP_APP_ADDRESS ExecStart=/opt/nwatchcanada/go/bin/nwapp-back Restart=always RestartSec=3 SyslogIdentifier=nwapp-back

    [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target ```

  4. Grant access.

$ sudo chmod 755 /etc/systemd/system/nwapp-back.service

  1. (Optional) If you've updated the above, you will need to run the following before proceeding.

    $ sudo systemctl daemon-reload

  2. We can now start the Gunicorn service we created and enable it so that it starts at boot:

    $ sudo systemctl start nwapp-back $ sudo systemctl enable nwapp-back

  3. Confirm our service is running.

    $ systemctl status nwapp-back.service $ journalctl -f -u nwapp-back.service

  4. And verify the URL works in the browser.

    text http://nwapp.ws/version

Finalize Project Setup

  1. Make sure you login as the nwatchcanada user:
$ sudo su - nwatchcanada
  1. Add our tenant.
$ $GOBIN/nwapp-back add_tenant "london" "Neighbourhood Watch Canada London"
  1. Add our user. (Please change xxx password to your own!)
$ $GOBIN/nwapp-back add_user "bart@mikasoftware.com" "Bart" "Mika" "XXX" 1 "london" 1
  1. And verify the URL works in the browser.

    text http://nwapp.ws/version