
The backend web-service is written in the `Golang programming language` and is responsible for providing API endpoints for the frontend to consume.

The project repository is nwapp-back and it is open-source.


  1. Before beginning please make sure the following requirements are met:

  2. Clone the project to your development machine in our namespace.

    $ mkdir ~/go/src/github.com/nwatchcanada
    $ cd  ~/go/src/github.com/nwatchcanada
    $ git clone https://github.com/nwatchcanada/nwapp-back.git
  3. Open up your command console and install our dependent libraries:

    $ ./requirements.sh
  4. (Optional) If you get any errors pertaining to required permissions, just run the following, else skip.

    $ chmod u+x requirements.sh
  5. Open up your Postgres console and run the following code:

    drop database nwapp_golang_db;
    create database nwapp_golang_db;
    \c nwapp_golang_db;
    CREATE USER nwatchcanada WITH PASSWORD '123password';
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE nwapp_golang_db to nwatchcanada;
    ALTER USER nwatchcanada CREATEDB;
    ALTER ROLE nwatchcanada SUPERUSER;
  6. Next we need to set the environment variables of our application. Our application is setup to take environment variables from the operating system. To begin, copy and paste the following and edit to suite your needs.

    export NWAPP_DB_HOST="localhost"
    export NWAPP_DB_PORT="5432"
    export NWAPP_DB_USER="nwatchcanada"
    export NWAPP_DB_PASSWORD="123password"
    export NWAPP_DB_NAME="nwapp_golang_db"
    export NWAPP_APP_ADDRESS=""
  7. Finally confirm the web-application works by running the server.

    $ go run main.go
  8. And now in a new tab in your favourite web-browser, visit


  • When you restart your developer machine, the environment variables will be cleared, you will need to re-run exporting them again. If you want to avoid it, do the following:

    1. Run the following command:

      vi ~/.bash_profile

    2. Copy and paste your environment variables (see above).

    3. Set our profile.

      source ~/.bash_profile